Thursday, September 4, 2008

Obama the secret Muslim

If we get one more email from our crazy family talking about Obama and how he is a secret Muslim or whatnot I am going to have to be tacky and email them back to tell them what I think. I honestly don't see how any of these rumors going on about him (not saying the pledge, yada yada) could be believed by anyone and why haven't any of these people ever heard of snopes? I generally love election years; I usually think they're interesting but the sheer stupidity of some people astounds me.

BTW I haven't yet decided whom I'm voting for.


Amanda (McNeely) Vestal said...

Isn't it time for a new post?

Amanda (McNeely) Vestal said...

Will you send me your password so I can write a couple blogs for you?

karlyn, troy, and bryson said...

Wow.. You're really on top of things here! Lol!

Unknown said...

We are forming an Arkansas Bloggers group and would love for yo to link up to that. The link to the information is on my blog. The page itself is under constructions but should be up soon. Come check it out. There are absolutely no obligations.